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5 Feel-Good Ways to Start the New Year Off Right

5 Feel-Good Ways to Start the New Year Off Right

2020 has been a FULL YEAR, to say the least. There have been some ups, a lot of downs, and now...let’s just say we are ready to move forward. Use these feel-good tips to start the new year off on the right foot.

The Ultimate Staycation


It’s safe to say that if you weren’t thankful for the ease and availability of travel before, you probably are now. It may not be the same as taking a flight across the world, but you can recreate a relaxing atmosphere in a place closer to home. Whether you have room in your background or can safely rent an AirBnb or hotel room within driving distance, there are still a few options available to create a vacation vibe, wherever you are.

Bond with Your Partner

Bond with your partner

Unprecedented closeness has been a blessing for some couples, but it’s also been quite a test. If quarantine has strained your relationship in more ways than one, try setting aside special time to just do something intentional together - kind of like the date nights we were allowed to have when the world was open. Jump on to a virtual cooking class, try a new workout together, or cuddle up for some Netflix and chill. Whatever activity you choose, try to focus on the most important common denominator - your time together!

Escape Reality with a Good Book

Read a good book

Some states have more restrictions than others, and safety is of the utmost importance. If you can’t go anywhere or do anything, use the power of your mind to create a new reality. Dig into a good book that you’ve always wanted to read; bonus points if you discuss the read with your own little virtual book club.

Create Your Own Spa

Create your own spa

Do you have a bathroom and a door that closes? Then you’re all set! Grab an essential oil diffuser, your favorite candle, and a bag of Epsom salt and get busy. You can use your phone or a portable speaker to set some mood music, and just soak the last year away. Bring a glass of wine, a book, or just lay back on a bath pillow and meditate. This is YOU time.

Quality (Quarantined) Girl Time

Quality quarantined girl time

This works best if you have a roommate, or a friend or family member that has also been quarantining safely. Buy a couple of facial masks, bring your most hydrating deep conditioner, and get ready for a girls night in. Don’t forget the champagne!

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